Monday, 4 May 2015

LAUGHTER indeed is the best medicine...

"I am very independent & confident person and many times come across too strong. My manager is one of those who is exceptionally good at work but weak in interpersonal skills. 
All the time when I was working with her she ignored me because we couldn't interact properly. Many people said I intimidate her, but that was the last thing I wanted to do, I loved my job and day-by-day I was feeling my days here are over... 
However when I read section on 'Staying calm' in Manage your Manager book I realized the problem and with the help of 'Smile & Laughter' I was able to calm myself and eventually the relationship between me and my manager improved. Later she once did ask me, what changed me, and all I thought was 'I learnt how to manage my Manager' Thanks for your support" ~~~ from a reader of Manage your Manager book

I got the biggest smile on my face after reading the above message. It always gives me immense pleasure to see how one book can help people in their respective worlds.

My friends, don't you think that many times if we had our head in place the situation would have turned out completely different? Or if you hadn't said something, you might have saved a relation? I am sure the answer is 'yes', I too have made a lot of mistakes like this and similarly have you. But I think its high time that we  are always letting anger and other issues come in way of our happiness. I believe if we take control of our feelings and emotions. If we can think before acting or speaking, nothing will go wrong. And the best way to control your emotions is by staying calm and SMILE

The concept of 'smile and laughter' doesn't just work in professional life but also in every aspect of our lives. So why don't we take charge and SMILE all our worries away.

I am attaching the snapshot of the book on Laughter which the reader shared with me. 

And also, my special thanks for the reader for sharing his valuable experience and allowing me to share it with the world...

Till then,
Happy Managing

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Unwanted Differences...

"There was some trouble between me and my manager and I was about to miss my promotion. Thanks to the book, I realised that maybe it is just a communication issue. I took the suggestion and chatted to my manager directly and openly. As it turned out, it was just the issue of perception. Thank you very much for writing all the basics which we think we know but forget at the right time. The book has been extremely useful" ~~~ from a reader of Manage your Manager book

After reading the above statement don't we all think 'oh its so obvious' but do we all really do this? 
I know so many instances where people don't talk to their managers (or each other) just because of some confusion, wrong perception or egoistic reason. In my humble opinion when it comes to confusions and issues, you should directly have face to face interaction. What worse can actually happen? If you are wrong and your manager already dislikes you, then you cant go any worse (well, till the time you start fighting or yelling). But if you are innocent and are able to clear out the air between you and your manager, everything is nice and shining afterwards

The writer of acknowledgement above did not just successfully sorted out the issue with his manager but also got the promotion he deserved in the right time. Is it not the best situation for everyone?

  • The manager is happy and content with the employee...
  • Employee is happy as he got the promotion he deserved...
  • HR and Senior Leadership is happy because they have one less issue to deal with...
Hence, lets avoid these unwanted differences and be open in discussions in order to live a happy corporate life with your manager and peers

But if you are not able to... you always have a guide to Manage your Manager :)

I would like to thank the reader who shared his valuable experience with me and allowed me to share it with the world.

Happy Managing

Introduction to my blog

Every week I get humble feedback from the readers of "Manage your Manager" book stating how the book helped them or is helping them in their day-to-day corporate life.

After reading those awesome experiences I realised its not selfish of me that I am not sharing it with the world. There are so many of us who can learn from these experiences and apply in everyday life.

Hence, I am starting up this blog where I will share some good stories and anyone and everyone can discuss their problems and identify solutions.

My big thanks to all the generous people who are allowing me to share their experiences here (of course maintaining their anonymity)

Happy Managing!